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Abstract Topic: Digital Technology For Business

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A Proposed Model for Measuring Cloud Accounting Adoption Among SMEs in Indonesia
Eny Widaryanti, S.T. and Indrawati Ph.D.

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Telkom University

Many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia are not yet realized the importance of financial records and accounting that can help them identify the potential growth as well as the company-s wellness. Cloud Accounting is sure to have great impact on the growth of SMEs and can be highly beneficial for SMEs as it offers efficient technology, high security, ease of use, cost efficiency (accounting service at a lesser cost). Nevertheless, the factors that indicate the behavior intention of Indonesian SMEs in using cloud accounting are not well understood. Therefore, this research is aimed to identify the factors affecting the behavioral intention of SMEs in Indonesia to use Cloud Accounting. Literature review of articles from international journals and interview with 15 SMEs in Indonesia was done in this study. Our findings suggest that the dependent variable will be behavioral Intention and there is one new variable that should be added to the original UTAUT2 model and two variables should be removed, namely: Perceived of Security and Risk, Hedonic Motivation, and Habit respectively. Thus, this study proposed Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Condition, Price Value, Perceived of Security and Risk as independent variables which will influence the behavioral intention of SMEs in Indonesian to adopt the cloud accounting. Age and scale of business are proposed as moderating variables.

Cloud Accounting, SMEs, Adoption, UTAUT2, Indonesia.

Digital Technology For Business


Analysis of Customer Intention in Adopting Automated Parcel Station Services
Palti MT Sitorus(a), Mutia Oktaviana Alexandra(b*)

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Mutia Oktaviana Alexandra

Telkom University, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

The rapid development of e-commerce has a major influence on logistics industry and supply chain management. Therefore, some service providers have developed new technological innovations, namely Automated Parcel Station (APS). However, currently direct home delivery is still the main choice in several countries The purpose of this study is to find out what factors that can influence customer intentions in adopting APS services with attitude as an intervening variable. In addition, to find out how much attitude can influence customer intention. The research method that used is quantitative with respondents of e-commerce users who have never used APS services. Based on result, it was concluded that the factors that influence the intention towards the beginning of APS adoption through attituted as an intervening variable are relative advantages and trialability. In addition, attitude also has a key role that can affect customer intentions in adopting the APS.

APS, E-commerce, Logistic.

Digital Technology For Business


Analysis of Implementation Results of Telkomsel Trouble Ticket as Information System for Decision Supporting System in Telkomsel Jabotabek Against Tower Provider Satisfaction with a Delone And McLean Model Approach
sarman (a*),Achmad Manshur Ali Suyanto (b)

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Sarman Sarman

a)School of Economics and Business, Telkom University
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir No.47, Bandung 40152, Indonesia
b)School of Economics and Business, Telkom University
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir No.47, Bandung 40152, Indonesia

This study examines the results of the Implementation of Telkomsel TOTI (Trouble Ticket) as an Information System for Decision Supporting System in Jabotabek Telkomsel against Tower Provider Satisfaction with the Delone & McLean Model ApproachThis research will prove the influence of information quality, system quality, and service quality on Use and Satisfaction variables. This study will also examine the effect of Use and user satisfaction on the net benefits obtained. The method used is qualitative, with the purpose of verification. Research on 40 Tower Provider Companies with a population of 153 employees who have access to TOTI. Sampling is done using purposive sampling. Data analysis techniques used multivariate dependent variance based matric Structural Equation Modeling (VB-SEM) with AMOS (Analysis Moment of Structure) as the software used. The results of the study show that the independent variables (System Quality, Service Quality, and Information Quality) have an influence on the adequate category of user satisfaction (R-Square 0.681). Whereas User Satisfaction has a very strong influence on the net benefits generated by TOTI (R-square 0.825). In the Hypothesis test Service Quality and Information Quality have a significant influence on User satisfaction. Whereas User Satisfaction influences net benefits.

Decision Supporting System, DeLone dan McLean (D&M IS Success Model), Information System

Digital Technology For Business


Customer Continuance Intention towards Automated Guided Transportation Acceptance: a Case Study on LRT Palembang
1. Indrawati and 2.Putri Ayu Nidya

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Indrawati Indrawati

Faculty Economic & Business,
Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia

Palembang is a densely populated city in Indonesia. The total population in Palembang reaches 1.5 million. In the past two years, Palembang has also become a city where ASEAN games are held. Therefore, to facilitate transportation for ASEAN games, the government built LRT as a means of transportation in Palembang. Within a month, the data has been recorded that the LRT passengers reached about 198.300 hence the public enthusiasm for LRT is relatively high. The success of LRT can be seen as the opportunity to analyze customer continuance intention of LRT users in adopting it. This research was intended to find out factors according to modified Unified Theory of Acceptance Use of Technology 2 model from Venkatesh et al., those influence continuance Intention of customers toward LRT. Perceived Security factor has been added as a new factor in the model. To test if those factors have positive significant influence toward Continuance Intention, this study conducted survey to customers. The data collected from 400 valid customers selected through purposive sampling. The result revealed that 4 factors on the Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance Use of Technology 2 model have positive significant influence towards user-s continuance intention in adopting LRT, from the highest to the lowest respectively are Habit, Social Influence, Perceived Security, and Facilitating Conditions. Meanwhile, the moderating variable of Gender and Age there is no positive and significant influence. The model can predict strongly the continuance intention of consumers towards LRT services in Palembang since the R² is 72.1%. This model can be utilized by LRT the board in settling on choices to keep up the continuation intention of consumers towards LRT adoption by focusing on those impacted variables.

Continuance Intention, Indonesia, LRT, UTAUT2, Transportation

Digital Technology For Business



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Mariati Norhashim

(a) Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
(b) Al Madinah International University, Pusat Perdagangan Salak II, No, 18-G, Jalan 2/125e, Taman Desa Petaling, 57100 Kuala Lumpur

Research has shown that many accounting jobs are ripe for takeover by Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (STARA). The future for the finance and accounting function rests in human only activities and human and machine hybrid activities. This paper explores the challenges faced by Small Medium Practitioners of accounting and business services in the face of the changing competitive landscape brought about by automation and artifical intelligence. The authors reviews research done by professional bodies as well as in academic literature to discuss changes that SMPs may need to make using Teece Business Model Design framework to ensure sustainability of their practice in the digital era. SMPs will need to review the services they provide and the service delivery methods of existing work to be able to create value in an efficient and effective manner that would entice customers thus ensuring their survival. Thus development of a business model that focuses on the customer segmentation, value propositions and delivery channels of these services that leverages on technology would help business success. Transformation of the accounting profession is sorely needed to make them ready for Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and beyond.

Business model, Accountants, SMP, Digital, I.R, 4.0

Digital Technology For Business


Development of Marketing Channels Through E Commerce Adoption and Inventory Management System Implementation: A Qualitative Research Study of SME Liliana Collection
Edbert Setiadi (a*), Sisdjiatmo K Widhaningrat (b)

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Edbert Setiadi

a) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia

The emergence of technology offers several opportunities for business owners to expand their markets and challenges to improve its business. The main purpose of this paper is to help the owner of Liliana Collection, a small medium retail Children Clothing store located in Central Jakarta to gain better understanding on how to improve its business operation specifically in marketing distribution and inventory management system. This research used qualitative approach. Data were collected from in-depth interviews, observation and questionnaire survey to customers. The data then were analysed using PEST Analysis, Marketing mix, STP analysis, Business Model Canvas and SWOT analysis. The findings were analysed using Gap Analysis and Pareto Analysis. Key findings revealed that Liliana Collection has traditional marketing distribution and inadequate inventory management system. Based on these findings, E-Commerce channel was adopted in expanding the marketing distribution channels and an inventory management application was used to help the owner in recording its inventory transactions. The implementations then carried out along with coaching process to educate the owner about the standard operating procedure (SOP) related to these two issues in order to make the execution successful. Therefore, these implementations were necessary to improve Liliana Collection business competitiveness.

E Commerce, Digital Marketing, Inventory Management System, SME, Technology Adoption, Liliana Collection

Digital Technology For Business


Development of Stock Opname Application with Integration to SAP Business One using SCRUM
Leonardo (a*), Muharman Lubis (b), Warih Puspitasari (b)

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Leonardo Ong

Telkom University

SAP Business One (SAP B1) is one of the most used Enterprise Resource Planning system for small and medium enterprise because of cost compared to other SAP package. But SAP B1 do not come in handy to handle some feature like Stock Opname in warehouse. Stock Opname is process to check whether stock in the system is the same in the reality. Usually companies that have logistic do Stock Opname once or more in a year depends on their industry. Therefore add-on to manage Stock Opname is needed. This add-on will be developed in Website and Android mobile application. The development use SCRUM as framework to manage time and quality of the system. To support the Android mobile application, there is a barcode scanner and solution disconnected scenario feature to make application still usable without internet connection. These system will allow worker to maximize their productivity while doing Stock Opname and also integration with SAP B1 so company will have integrated system.

SAP Business One, Stock Opname, SCRUM, Agile, Mobile Application, Android Application, Barcode Scanner, Solution Disconnected Scenario

Digital Technology For Business


Essence and Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning in Culinary Industry : Critical Factors Of Success
Rery Suryani (a), R. Wahjoe Witjaksono (b), Muharman Lubis (c)

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Rery Suryani

a) School of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 01, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

b) Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 01, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

c) Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 01, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

Many companies apply information and communication technology to improve their work efficiency, so that it becomes one of the solutions that will later be able to increase the level of competition in the company[1]. Software that is widely used is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Although the ERP system offers benefits for the adopting company, not all companies benefit directly. Currently adopters of ERP systems that experience a lot of success are middle-class companies engaged in the culinary industry. By implementing an ERP system the company can support operational and marketing activities. The business process of a company that is mutually integrated can make it easier for companies to run their business, thus making ERP the main business strategy[2]. This study aims to determine the main factors for the success of ERP implementation amid the many failures experienced by the company. The object of this research is a company engaged in the culinary industry using observation and interview methods.

Enterprise resource planning; Culinary industry; Critical success factor

Digital Technology For Business


Annisa Rifqi Muafah (1), R. Wahjoe Witjaksono (2), Muharman Lubis(3)

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Annisa Rifqi Muafah

1) Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 01, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

2) Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 01, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

3) Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 01, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

The ERP system is a computer-based system designed for process transactions within the organization and facilitates integration, and planning, production, and responding to customers in real-time (Oleary, 2001). One of the objectives of the ERP system is the automation and integration of corporate business processes. However, in practice, not all companies implementing ERP systems succeed in their implementation process, there are many companies that fail to implement the ERP system, as disclosed by Standish Group stating that only 10 percent of companies are successfully implementing ERP, 35 percent of projects canceled and 55 percent experienced delays (Suroso, 2013). Based on these problems, with qualitative research methods based on data collection using interviews and observations, the purpose of this paper is to analyze and conclude critical success factors of ERP implementation in textile industry, formulates why companies in textile industry want to implement ERP, and identifying the essence of ERP implementation in the company of textile industry.

Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP in textile industry, essence of ERP, critical success factors of ERP implementation, implementation of ERP

Digital Technology For Business


Factors Influencing Continuance Intention Adoption Toward Digital Banking Application Using UTAUT 2 Model
Indrawati, Nadya Putri Pradhina, and Subhash Kizhakanveatil Bhaskaran Pillai

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Indrawati Indrawati

Faculty Economics & Business,
Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia

Faculty Economics & Business,
Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia

Subhash Kizhakanveatil Bhaskaran Pillai
Professor, Goa Business School, Goa University,
Taleigao Plateau, Goa – 403206, India

In parallel with the Internet advancement in Indonesia that develops rapidly, internet banking increased to 17 percent, from 150 million transactions in 2012 to 406 million transactions in 2016. ABC application is one of the digital banking service in Indonesia, one of the revolutionary banking application that was designed and developed by Bank ABC. Initially, ABC gained 3 million application downloaders with 700 hundred thousand of dynamic users in Indonesia. In order to increase the customer base, Bank ABC needs to understand the significance of factors which influence the consumers- intention toward using the application ABC continuously. To find out the factors influencing the use of the application ABC, present study used modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 model. The data were collected from 432 valid respondents selected based on purposive sampling technique. The result revealed three main which influences continuance intention adoption of application ABC, and they are Trust, Habit and Price Saving Orientation, Trust being the highest and Price Saving Orientation the lowest. The model can predict strongly the continuance intention of consumers towards application ABC in Indonesia since the R2 is 71%. Hence, the result of this study may be used by Bank ABC to keep up the continuance intention of consumers towards the application ABC adoption by focusing on the identified factors.

Continuance Intention, technology adoption, ABC, modified UTAUT2, Indonesia

Digital Technology For Business


Factors Influencing User-s Continuance Intention towards Hospitality Service Application in Indonesia
1. Indrawati, 2. Sarah Amalia Hasana, 3. Subhash Kizhakanveatil Bhaskaran Pillai

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Indrawati Indrawati

1 and 2 Faculty Economics & Business,
Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia

3. Professor, Goa Business School, Goa University,
Taleigao Plateau, Goa – 403206, India
Email: subhash[at]

In 2018, Indonesia was in the sixth world rank with an estimated 123 million internet users. There are many kinds of business come up by exploiting the development of internet, one of them is the appearing of varied mobile application in Indonesia focusing either on local or foreign products. One of the businesses which based on application in hospitality service is Airbnb. Airbnb is the biggest online marketplace which registers and rent the hospitality service such as home, apartment, or villa, for spending holiday out of the town or abroad. Airbnb expanded its business in Indonesia because Indonesia is considered as one of the most important market in Asia Pacific region and the data show that Airbnb-s growth in Indonesia keeps rising every year. Due to the successful growth of Airbnb application creates opportunities to upgrade the positions of Airbnb by knowing factors that influence its customers in continuing using Airbnb application. This study intended to measure factors influencing user-s continuance intention of Airbnb application in Indonesia by using a Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 Model. The data were gathered from 400 valid respondents in Indonesia chosen by purposive sampling technique. The result revealed that the factors influence continuance intention adoption of Airbnb application from the highest to the lowest respectively are Habit, Trust, Hedonic Motivation, Price Saving Orientation, and Facilitating Condition. The model can predict strongly the continuance intention of consumers towards Airbnb application in Indonesia since the R² is 80.6%. This model can be used by Airbnb management to improve the continuance intention of consumers towards hospitality service adoption by consideration of those factors.

Technology Adoption, Modified UTAUT2, Continuance Intention, Hospitality Service Application, Indonesia.

Digital Technology For Business


Ronny Arnaz, ST (a*), Dr. Gadang Ratmantoko (b)

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Ronny Arnaz

a) Graduate Study Program of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung

b) Lecturer of Schools of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung

Telkomsel is the largest mobile operator in Indonesia with 195 million customers serving its customers spread across Indonesia, including in remote areas, outer islands and border areas of the country. Telkomsel is currently transforming to digital company and one of its programs is to launch MyTelkomsel Apps as a digital channel and cooperate with other Ecommerce Apps to provide convenience to customers in conducting self-service online, such as prepaid credit purchase or Top Up. However, the conversion rate of Telkomsel subscribers who have done Top Up in Ecommerce Apps is still very low so the problem is how to increase the number of prepaid credit buyer in the Ecommerce Apps. The objective of research is to build insight for Telkomsel on predict customers who likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps by clustering and using Logistic Regression technique. Therefore it can be identified customer profile and significant variables of customers to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps based on the results of predictive analytics. Logistic regression used to predict customers who likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps using 17 numeric variables input. Analytics based table generated from total population of prepaid credit purchaser in Ecommerce Apps as of Aug 31st 2018 by 297.172 customers and create random sampling of non purchaser in Ecommerce Apps by 127.359 customers out of 15.055.473. Analytics based table divided into 2 data sets, 70% training data set and 30% testing data set represent of both prepaid credit purchaser and non-purchaser. Based on training data set and testing data set by 424.531 customers, 259.747 customers are predicted likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps with model accuracy reached 79%. Top 6 significant variables that affected customers to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps are total recharge transaction of non-Ecommerce, total recharge transaction, number transaction of Ecommerce Apps, data packet transaction of Ecommerce Apps, broadband revenue and volume usage of Ecommerce Apps. After building development model then applied into all population of Ecommerce Apps by 15.055.473 costumers. There were identified 3,089,120 customers who highly likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps. To increase efficiency and effectively in marketing programs, it is need to choose the priority of costumer. The segmentation is conducted for non-purchaser with the K means clustering and it can be determined which cluster that give the greatest predictive gain. The result of K-Means clustering show that number cluster k=5 and cluster-5 give the best segmented costumers with gain 99.8%. The prediction results of highly prospect customers (345.965) will be divided in to 2 clusters with Two Step cluster techniques, namely low HVC customer ( 67.5% = 233.365) and medium HVC customer ( 32.5%=112.600). Based on the results of the prediction model and clustering, so behavioral targeting can be done to give the product or gimmick then the Champagne is more targeted.

Costumer Segmentation, Behavioural Targeting; Predictive Analytics

Digital Technology For Business


Post-Adoptive Use of Collaboration Technology in Work Setting: The Role of Employees Job Crafting Behavior
Khaidar Rapiz Putra, Arviansyah

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Khaidar Rapiz Putra

Universitas Indonesia

The advent of the Internet has enabled information technologies (ITs) to facilitate work collaboration, social interaction, as well as knowledge sharing among employees within organizations. Such advancement has been implemented at enterprise-level scale and becomes essential components of daily job activities, both in and out of the workplace. Therefore, a better understanding of employees- acceptance and usage of collaboration technologies, specifically related to their proactive behavior in improving their person-job fit and work motivation, would help organizations to implement the system. This study extends the theoretical model of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) using seeking job resource dimensions as moderators, providing new insights into how job crafting affects individual behavioral intention in the post-adoption stage of technologies. We conduct a quantitative study in one of the largest national airlines in Indonesia, which has successfully implemented an online collaboration-based productivity system. We employ partial least squares to test our proposed model using data collected from 115 employees. Performance expectancy is found to be the only significant predictor of behavioral intention, while behavioral intention alongside facilitating conditions is significant in predicting the actual use of the technology. Consistent with prior literature in the context of technology post-adoption, effort expectancy and social influence are found to be insignificant to predict behavioral intention. Finally, the results show that job crafting behavior for seeking social job resources influence employees- behavioral intention to use the technology by moderating the effects of social influence.

collaboration technology, post-adoption, UTAUT, job crafting

Digital Technology For Business


Predicting Virtual Reality Adoption on E-Commerce Platform using Porter Five Forces and Technology Acceptance model
Chit Su Mon

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Chit Su Mon

UCSI University

Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology which has been widely used by many sectors such as education and entertainment. Online shopping or E-commerce platforms are one of the potential sectors to adopt virtual reality to convince more to shoppers to purchase online. However, there is a lacking in research and framework to explain how e-commerce can adopt virtual reality based on competitive analyses in related area. This research develops a conceptual framework to predict virtual reality adoption on E-Commerce platform using Porter Five Forces and Technology Acceptance Model. This paper is the initial phase of the research and literature review has been conducted. Research problem and objectives have been identified as well as conceptual framework and hypotheses have been developed. Research methodology has been constructed and conclusion which includes contribution and limitations are presented in this research.

Virtual Reality, E-commerce, Technology Acceptance Model, Porter Five Forces

Digital Technology For Business


Relational Social Capital, Innovation Capability and SMEs Financial Performance
Rochmi Widayanti, Ratna Damayanti, Nuryakin, Susanto

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nuryakin NURYAKIN

Economics and Business Faculty. Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta
Economics and Business Faculty. Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta
Master of Management. Postgraduate Program. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Master of Management. Postgraduate Program. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This research aims to analyze the effect of relational social capital on SMEs performance with innovation capability as the mediating variables. The sample of this research was the cluster pattern SMEs in the export-based brass industry in the Central Java region. The unit of analysis that was carried out is the SME owners. Furthermore, the sample of this research was 200 respondents. The results of hypothesis testing were conducted by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach with the AMOS program. The result of this research showed that social relational capital affects SMEs performance and innovation capability significantly. This research also empirically found that innovation capability can mediate the relationship between social relational capital and SMEs performance.

social relational capital, innovation capability, SMEs performance

Digital Technology For Business


Social Network Analysis for Information Dissemination Pattern and Stakeholders- Role at Super Priority Tourism Destinations in Indonesia
Herry Irawan, Deacta Ayu Digpasari, and Andry Alamsyah

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Deacta Ayu Digpasari

School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Indonesia-s tourism is one of the leading sectors in economic, social, and cultural developments. In the increase of tourists, tourism stakeholders use social media to share the information as an online strategy to disseminate events, destination characteristics, and experiences in visiting tourism destinations. This can form some patterns of information dissemination with a complex network. This research aims to discover the patterns of dissemination information on Twitter and to uncover the role of tourism stakeholder of disseminating information at super priority tourism destinations in Indonesia. This research uses social network analysis to process data sources from Twitter features, namely reply, retweet, and mention using Python and visualize by Gephi and Tableau. This research finds new insight about a similar pattern at super priority tourism destinations. The visualization shows that most Twitter users have less contribution to social interaction, such as event, hotel, and business accounts, instead, the individual stakeholder has a more significant role in disseminating information of tourism activities in those destinations. The result of this study can be implemented as a strategy to carry out effective information dissemination in the tourism sector.

Social Network Analysis; Information Dissemination; Tourism Stakeholders- Role; Super Priority Tourism Destinations

Digital Technology For Business


The Identification of Tourism Destination Preferences Based on Geotag Feature on Instagram Using Data Analytics and Topic Modeling
Herry Irawan, Risca Septi Widyawati, Andry Alamsyah

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Risca Septi Widyawati

School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world and becomes one of the leading sectors in Indonesia. The Indonesia government has determined four super priority tourist destinations in order to achieve 20 million foreign tourists and 275 million domestic tourists in 2019. Moreover, a social network provides essential information that raises a new paradigm known as smart tourism. The geotag-social network can identify tourists- preferences, perceptions, and also attitudes from their posts on Instagram toward tourist destinations. Instagram becomes a popular media social to share photos equipped with information about geotags. It is important for the government and tourism management to understand tourists- preferences and interests to make a better strategy and policy. This study provides an alternative method to evaluate the super-priority tourist destinations using data mining shared on social media. This study identifies the pattern of tourist visits using time window strategy to separating between tourists and locals and tourists- interest related to their expressions of the tourist destinations using topic modeling which generally describes the scenery, favorite spots, and events. The result of this paper can be used as a consideration in determining favorite tourist destinations based on tourists- preferences on social media.

Data Analytics; Topic Modeling; Instagram Geotag; Super Priority Tourism Destinations

Digital Technology For Business


The Utilization of Web-Based Accounting Software to Develop a Perceivable Financial Statement Format: A Qualitative Research Study at SME Four Coffee
Eko Wahyudi (a*), Sisdjiatmo K Widhaningrat (b)

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Eko Wahyudi

a) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to develop a perceivable financial statement format at SME Four Coffee. The research conducted by using a qualitative method, while data analysis technique used descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The researcher also describes, interpret and explain the situation at hand, together with intervening in order to make improvements to the research object. Based on the analysis, SME Four Coffee yet has the desirable correct financial statement format as internal decision-making materials and reference data for prospective creditors or investors. The results of this research are the utilization of web-based accounting software by doing optimization and customization of the output produced to obtain a desirable financial statement presentation. The use of accounting software does not always provide an output that is in accordance with the expectation of the SME so that further customization is required over the output. On the other hand, by accepting technological advances such as accounting software technology is also very useful for SME to speed up the process and reduce human error in order to build a perceivable financial statement.

Financial statement, Web-based application, Accounting software, SMEs, Four Coffee

Digital Technology For Business


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